How to remove a negative review from Google Maps / My Business


This is possibly one of the most common queries about Google My Business. It often happens that sometimes some businesses receive comments on Google Maps reviews that are not adequate. It may be negative comments in a vengeful plan or that the comment was directed to another business or many other reasons.

Google reviews are not anonymous, the name of the person who performs them appears, for this you only need a Google account, long ago it was essential to use a Google+ profile but it is no longer necessary. In fact, within Google+ you could see all the reviews of that person. Now it is only possible from the Google Maps App. You can contact digitalmarketing agency near you. 

Fortunately, Google offers the possibility of filing a claim to deactivate these negative comments and that they are finally removed from your Google My Business listing.

How to report comments on a Google My Business page

As I mentioned before, we can directly report comments that are suspicious and have no relationship except to cause damage to our business. For that we must proceed as follows to report this type of review.

  • Access the following link. It is advisable to be logged in to our Google account.
  • Select: Customer reviews and photos .
  • Check: Manage customer reviews or Information about customer photos as appropriate.
  • There we can choose support by phone, chat or email.
  • We have to write the form with the information requested by Google and we send it.

Depending on the method we will receive a call from the Google Help service, or we will start chatting or they will respond to us by email. Obviously there are public service hours, the help is not 24 hours, so when using the option to deactivate, Google reviews and it may not be operational at that time. You can get better guidelines on that using SEO Community Online. 

We can choose an alternative if our preferred option is not enabled or wait for a suitable time. Personally, I always prefer email as the first contact since you can send them more info so they can review your case.

What the form asks to report Google reviews

While filling in the contact form in the link you will find the direct access to the Google My Business system, in order to eliminate reviews it will ask us some questions. Don’t worry, they are all simple things to answer as you will see below:

  • Your name and your contact email account.
  • The url of your business in Google Maps. For that we must do a search for our company in a browser on a desktop device or the web version for mobile devices and take the url. From the Google Maps App it will not offer you this option.
  • Paste the text of the inappropriate review.
  • What relationship do you have with the company? It gives you several options to choose from. I am the owner or worker, I am a company representing the business, or I am a Maps user that is not related to the business.
  • How do you manage your business on Google? This query is mostly statistical about how you log in to manage your business on Google My Business. Choose the appropriate one in your case.
  • Finally the way how you want to be contacted.

What kind of reviews can you request to be removed on Google Maps

Remember that this does NOT serve to erase bad reviews about your business on Google for a service that the customer did not like. The service is useful for only three cases.

  • Photo not suitable.
  • Inadequate review.
  • Review on the wrong page.

What is an inappropriate review?

Sometimes you get reviews on Google that are negative but are true. Please DO NOT report a bad review, no matter how negative, and take it as an opportunity to improve whenever possible. This is to report a false opinion that you can show and is actually done in a destructive or wrong way. Get consultancy on Google reviews from Dubai SEO Company or your local SEO Specialist.

The reviews are always carried out by one person, they are not done by machines. So be prepared to answer a short explanation and be open to offering additional information. In fact they may request it. So be sure to submit a report of a review on Google so that it will eventually be deleted.

Can I request that an inappropriate photo be removed from my Google listing?

Yes, it is possible to request it. Sometimes, because the Google Maps App invites you to upload photos through a notification on the mobile device, it happens that some users end up uploading photos that are not related to the business. So it is totally valid that you fill out the form to eliminate those photos that do not add any value to your company.

What you cannot, for example, is try to remove a photo of your business that does not leave you well off. That is why it is important to always maintain high levels of quality in your business since any client can end up commenting or displaying it graphically through the Internet, available to anyone who searches for information about your business, such as Google Maps and in the Google search engine.

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