RBI Assistant Preparation at Home – Exam Pattern, Syllabus & Booklist


The Reserve Bank of India is the central bank of the country and acts as a regulatory body for all the other Banks. A career in RBI is a dream for many and every year lakhs of aspirants fill in application forms for various posts in this Organisation.

Generally, aspirants look for coaching classes and Institutes for external help. But for those you wish to study at home, the preparation is not much different. The competition for the exam is very tough and the syllabus is extremely comprehensive. All that can help a candidate crack the exam is hard work and ample practice.

In this article, we bring to the best tips to prepare for the RBI Assistant exam 2021 at home. Along with the detailed syllabus, exam pattern and a list of books for preparation.

Candidates who are awaiting the final results to be declared for this post can visit the RBI Assistant Result page and get all the relevant information along with the important dates.

RBI Assistant Exam Pattern & Syllabus

There are three stages of shortlisting:

  1. Prelims
  2. Mains
  3. Language Proficiency Test

Given below is the exam pattern in brief:

Stage of Exam Sections No. of Questions Maximum Marks Duration
Preliminary Exam English Language 30 30 A composite time of 1 hour is provided to the candidate.
Numerical Ability 35 35
Reasoning Ability 35 35
Mains Exam English Language 40 40 30 minutes
Quantitative Aptitude 40 40 30 minutes
Reasoning Ability 40 40 30 minutes
Computer Knowledge 40 40 20 minutes
General Awareness 40 40 25 minutes

Bank Exam Preparation at Home

A lot of candidates choose preparation at home when it comes to banking sector examination. Although the syllabus is comprehensive, the topics are general and familiar. With sufficient study material and dedication, the exam can easily be cracked.

1. Set S.M.A.R.T. Goals – Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Time-Bound (SMART) goals must be set by candidates. Time table must be set in a manner which is achievable and not pressuring

2. Collect Sufficient Study Material and Books – Study material and books are easily available both online and offline

3. Make Proper Notes – For self-study, the most important thing is to have proper notes. Systematic and subject-wise notes must be made by a candidate for a better understanding of the concept

4. Concept Clarity – Focus on understanding the concepts. Once the topic is well understood, any question based on it can be answered

5. Free Online Video Lectures – A lot of portals have started delivering free online lectures. These can be useful for candidates preparing at home as they can refer to them anytime and anywhere

6. Revise on Daily Basis – This will strengthen your command over topic and regular revision will set the concept even stronger in your mind

7. Be Disciplined – Since a candidate studying at home does not have to attend regular classes, they must try to be disciplined in terms of their self-preparation. Competition is tough and the preparation cannot be taken casually

Booklist for RBI Assistant Exam Preparation

Given below is a section-wise booklist for the Assistant exam preparation:

Subject Name & Author/ Publication of Book
Reasoning Ability ●     Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning by R.S.Agarwal

●     A Modern Approach to Reasoning by R.S.Agarwal

●     A New Approach to Reasoning: Verbal & Non-Verbal by B.S.Sijwali and Indu Sijwali

Quantitative Aptitude ●     Quantitative Aptitude by R.S. Agarwal

●     Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Exams by R.S. Agarwal

●     Data Interpretation by Arun Sharma

English Language ●     High School English Grammar and Composition by Wren and Martin

●     Objective General English by Arihant Publications

General Awareness ●     India Year Book by Publications Division

●     Manorama Yearbook

●     Banking Awareness by Arihant Publications

●     Daily Newspapers for Current Affairs

Computer Knowledge ●     Objective Computer Knowledge by Kiran Prakashan

●     Computer NCERT Class XI & XII

All these tips and books mentioned above will help candidates prepare these less well enough for the RBI Assistant Exam. Aspirants can visit the linked article and get all the relevant information about the recruitment process.

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